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Juuriharja blog

Welcome! We hope you enjoy reading our thoughts on business ethics as grounds for sustainable business growth, ethical leadership, collaboration skills, corporate social responsibility and whistleblowing.

Erika Heiskanen3 min read

How to CREATE a powerful code of conduct for suppliers?

The practices of subcontractors and other partners can sometimes cause headaches, ...
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Erika Heiskanen1 min read

Whistleblowing: A Catalyst for Positive Organisational Culture

Whistleblowing, a term that sparks curiosity and intrigue, has been a subject of debate ...
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Jenna Nordman4 min read

'E' in ESG: how to make the green transition happen?

The 'E' is currently the giant in the ESG triangle. The environmental revolution and the ...
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Jenna Nordman4 min read

'S' in ESG: at the heart of the organization's culture

What does the "S" of ESG actually mean? What is indisputable, at least, is that we are ...
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Jenna Nordman3 min read

'G' in ESG: Ethical Guidelines as a Tool for Good Governance

ESG: Environment, Social, Governance. Those three letters have been in high demand for ...
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Erika Heiskanen5 min read

Seven facts on whistleblowing law in Finland

There are some rumours, myths and also misconceptions around the application of the ...
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Erika Heiskanen2 min read

Whistleblowing solution: a tsunami warning system

With hindsight, it is often easy for an organisation to identify the chain of events that ...
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Erika Heiskanen2 min read

Four tips for using the whistleblowing channel

In many organisations, preparations for the introduction of a whistleblowing channel are ...
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Jenna Nordman3 min read

How to Conduct a Human Rights Impact Assessment?

Increasing amount of people find themselves coming across the term Human Rights Impact ...
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Erika Heiskanen2 min read

What is the essence of ethical business practice?

Ethical, responsible or sustainable business is about much more than responsibility for ...
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